Upload Media in WordPress Meta Boxes
Recently I was working on updating the Pro Photo theme
and wanted to find a good solution for uploading media through a meta
box. Previously, users had to click the little camera/music icon to
upload images and we were getting a lot of support from people wondering
how to add images. So basically, I am going to show you how we created
an upload media button through meta boxes.
Step 1
First you will obviously need to create a metabox if you currently
don’t have one. If you don’t have any meta boxes you can read our ultimate guide to meta boxes or on the codex.
Step 2
Secondly, there will be a callback in the add_meta_box function that
you will need to locate. In my example, I am going to use an example
callback function of media_uploader_box
. Now that we have our callback function, lets begin to add some content and data to it.
We begin with a base function:
001 | <?php function media_uploader_box(): global $post ; ?> |
Next if you want, you can add some css styling to your function. I will add a background color of #ccc.
001 | <?php function media_uploader_box(): global $post ; ?> |
003 | <style> .media-upload h2 { font-weight: bold; } </style> |
Now it is time to add the necessary jQuery to call the media uploader popup.
001 | <?php function media_uploader_box(): global $post ; ?> |
003 | <style> .media-upload h2 { font-weight: bold; } </style> |
012 | $( '#upload_image_button' ).click( |
015 | tb_show( '' , 'media-upload.php?post_id=<?php echo $post->ID; ?>&type=image&TB_iframe=true' ); |
There are some points to make note of in this example. First, notice
that we are attaching the click function to the upload_image_button ID.
So when that ID is clicked, it will call this jQuery. Next, if you look
at the URL structure being used in the popup we are using the post_id.
What this will do is attach the media unique to this post. In our case
we wanted to upload images inside of a custom post type and only have
those images be registered with those posts.
Note: If you are looking to just add a general media uploader which is not post specific then replace line 15
above with the following:
001 | tb_show( '' , 'media-upload.php?type=image&TB_iframe=true' ); |
Step 3
Third, we now need to create our html for the meta box and for our button.
001 | <?php function media_uploader_box(): global $post ; ?> |
003 | <style> .media-upload h2 { font-weight: bold; } </style> |
012 | $( '#upload_image_button' ).click( |
015 | tb_show( '' , 'media-upload.php?post_id=<?php echo $post->ID; ?>&type=image&TB_iframe=true' ); |
025 | <div class = "media-upload" > |
026 | <h2>Upload Media</h2> |
029 | <td><input id= "upload_image_button" type= "button" value= "Upload Media" ></td> |
All that is going on here is that we are adding a title and table with a button. Simple stuff.
Step 4
The last step in the process is to make sure and include our
necessary scripts to make the popup work. We are going to enqueue the
given admin scripts from the core.
001 | <?php function media_uploader_box(): global $post ; ?> |
003 | <style> .media-upload h2 { font-weight: bold; } </style> |
012 | $( '#upload_image_button' ).click( |
015 | tb_show( '' , 'media-upload.php?post_id=<?php echo $post->ID; ?>&type=image&TB_iframe=true' ); |
025 | <div class = "media-upload" > |
026 | <h2>Upload Media</h2> |
029 | <td><input id= "upload_image_button" type= "button" value= "Upload Media" ></td> |
036 | function admin_scripts() |
038 | wp_enqueue_script( 'media-upload' ); |
039 | wp_enqueue_script( 'thickbox' ); |
042 | function admin_styles() |
044 | wp_enqueue_style( 'thickbox' ); |
047 | add_action( 'admin_print_scripts' , 'admin_scripts' ); |
048 | add_action( 'admin_print_styles' , 'admin_styles' ); |
Thats it! Now if you are like most people and are looking to just
quickly copy and paste the above code and expect it to work you might be
sorely disappointed. The main point to reiterate is that you must name
this function the same as your callback when you are adding the meta
box. Again, if you are not sure what this means take a look at the add_meta_box function and how the callback works.
If you have any questions or comments please let me know below.
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